Lace-up Boots

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Kids’ lace-up boots

When seasons start to change and the cold weather creeps in, it goes without saying that children would love the opportunity to swap casual slip-on shoes for lace-up boots – just like their parents. In the Deichmann online shop, you can find an excellent range available for boys and girls of all fashion tastes.

Finding your perfect kids’ lace-up boots

Ankle-height and sturdy with a flat, heavily profiled sole, lace-up boots are a fantastic choice to keep kids’ feet warm, dry and protected in the winter. Providing a comfortable and adjustable fit, these boots are well-suited to lots of outdoor activities and navigating tricky terrain.

Things to consider when buying kids’ lace-up boots

Material – Different materials require different maintenance, so have a think about what you want and what you’re prepared to do for the upkeep. Whether textiles, leather, suede or synthetics, doing your research before buying may save you a bit of a headache later.


Fit – Support your kids’ style with a well-fitting pair of lace-up boots. As with all shoe purchases, it’s good practice to measure their feet before you buy and ensure the fit is snug (but not noticeably restrictive) with a little wiggle room for your toes. Likewise, you don’t want them to be loose enough to fly off their feet.


Length – Consider the length of your lace-up boots and what you’re using them for. For everyday wear, you can’t beat simple ankle boots. While higher boots are a great option for more strenuous and active activities.

Styling kids’ lace-up boots

When it comes to styling your kids’ lace-up boots, stock their wardrobe with clothes that are stylish but practical enough to romp around, jump, climb and do everything that active children would do. For boys, shorts or jeans and a t-shirt are an easy, faultless combination. For girls, pair cutely decorated lace-up boots with a warm, floral dress or lean into more of a glam rock style with shorts or a skirt and a denim coat.